7 Tips To Create Professional Book Cover Designs

It is very important to portray the right image of your book with a professional designed book cover. Most readers will only look at the front page of your book before deciding whether they want to read it or not, which means you have to be sure that this first impression sells them on your novel. So how do you do that?

As an author, you know how important it is to have a great book cover. It's the first thing potential readers see, and it can make or break a sale. If you're not happy with your current book cover design, don't worry - there are plenty of things you can do to create a professional design or contact the best book cover designers near you that will catch people's attention. Here are seven tips for creating professional book covers:

1. Make sure that every element works together

Every element on the cover should work together in order to attract attention and create a cohesive design. While there are no set rules for designing book covers, there are several components you want to include  to make your book cover design as effective as possible.

2. Relevance is important

Some book covers only feature the title of the book and author, but this can be a mistake. A book cover with just a name on it won't catch anyone's attention, so you should include some relevant images or colors to draw in reader interest. The colors you use can also influence how people see your book, so if you want the audience to think of warm feelings when they see it, you should include bright colors on the book cover.

3. Test your book covers out

Once you have finished designing book covers, test them out to see which one will draw in readers the most. You can do this by displaying different book covers next to each other and asking people to vote for the one they like best. If there is no difference in votes between book covers, then choose the book cover that stands out the most rather than just choosing what you think looks best.

4. Make sure it's readable

Your book cover design should be both visually appealing and easy to read so that people don't get distracted when trying to figure out what your book is about before buying it. If they can't read your book cover, then they aren't going to be buying your book.

5. You can use book cover design software for help

There are plenty of book cover design software tools that you can use in order to create book covers without having to learn complex graphic design programs. These book cover designs will be very basic and simple, but this is something you should consider using if you don't have much experience with graphic design or want a quick way to make your book stand out without too much effort.

6. Check the rules before publishing

Before publishing your book, it's important that you check the rules on book cover designs so that yours will pass muster by whatever company or website you are using to release your book. If there are specific requirements on book cover designs, then you want to make sure that your book covers meet those requirements.

7. Keep the book consistent

Book series require a book cover design that is consistent with the book covers of earlier books in the series. If you're writing a book as part of a long-running series, then your top booklet designer needs to fit in book cover with what readers have come to expect from books in the same genre or from similar authors. You don't want readers trying to find previous books based on similar book covers and not being able to do so because yours is so wildly different from what they've seen before. For more information visit us  here! We offer professional book cover design services for both indie and self-published.


To create a professional book cover design, you need to start with the right mindset. You can't just throw together an amateurish looking cover and expect someone to take it seriously. If you want your work to be read by as many people as possible, then make sure that its presentation is worth reading about.

When it comes to marketing your book, the cover design is one of the most important factors. It’s what attracts potential readers and gets them interested in reading more about you or your work. So if you are looking for some help designing a professional-looking book cover that will stand out on Amazon or other e-commerce websites, contact us! We'll give you seven tips for creating professional book covers in the next few paragraphs so stay tuned! Contact us now if you're ready to get started on designing your own cover today!


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