6 Tips For Designing The Perfect Exhibition Booth

Exhibitions are a great way to promote your company and products in the exhibition hall. They also offer an opportunity for you to network with other exhibitors and potential customers.

But, if you don't have the excellent exhibition design company looking after everything, it can be easy for your exhibition booth to fall short of expectations. This blog post is about how exhibition designers can help make sure that doesn't happen!

No matter what type of exhibition you're designing your booth for, there are six important things that will make it perfect!

1. How much space should I allocate?

2. What's the best way to present my company?

3. What's the best color scheme?

4. Where do I put my logo?

5. What about banners or posters?

6. Should I give away freebies or samples at my exhibition booth?

We will discuss 6 tips that will ensure everything goes smoothly at your next exhibition event.

1. Create a theme based on your company's mission, values, and/or products

In this exhibition, the company created a theme based on their products and mission. This booth is much more effective than one with just one product set up (as seen below). The visitors can learn about the different types of beds offered by going in-depth into each area. They also sell mattresses which they have out for people to try.

This exhibition shows how you don't need sponsorship or other decorations to make your exhibition stand out if it has an interesting design like this - but there are some that do use these things too!

Exhibitions come in all shapes and sizes: from trade fairs where companies show off new technology, international exhibitions showcasing cultural exchange between countries, to regional exhibitions attracting tourism and investment.

2. Use bright colors to stand out from the competition

The exhibition company in the photo above uses bright colors to stand out from the competition.

It's difficult for visitors at exhibitions to find their way around easily - especially if there are more than one exhibition going on - so it can be helpful to use signs or other methods of navigation (like arrows) directing people where they need to go.

In this exhibition, there is a map with all the booths and then an arrow pointing towards them as well as directional signage which helps guide attendees through the exhibition floor. This could also help those who are new visitors by telling them what each booth sells and how many they have left!

3. Include eye-catching signage with clear messaging

Eye-catching signage is a quick way to grab the attention of passersby. The exhibition shown above has sign posts with the company's logo and then labels for their products: beds, mattresses, etc.

In this exhibition, they also create an interactive booth by having a map on which attendees can mark where they are from or show off landmarks in that country - it engages visitors who enjoy games like these!

This exhibition used eye-catching signs to guide people through what each booths sells as well as directional signage so people knew where to go next. It also had one long desk at which all products were laid out so customers could easily find them and touch/feel them if desired.

4. Make sure your booth is easy to navigate for potential customers

It's important that exhibition booths be easy to navigate for visitors.

In this exhibition, it was difficult to find the products because there were so many people and each booth had a lot of different things on display - they could have done better with more space between them or by displaying one product at a time in order to attract buyers.

The exhibition company below used bright colors sign posts outside the exhibit hall too, making it easier for attendees coming late to find their exhibition hall.

5. Offer free giveaways or samples of your product in exchange for contact information

Offering free giveaways or samples is a great way to collect contact information and make potential customers aware of your company.

The exhibition below has an interactive booth where visitors can play games that are related to the exhibition theme, which in this case was football. It may not be useful for every type of exhibition but it's effective if you're trying to attract children as well!

This exhibition uses eye-catching signs outside their exhibit hall with arrows pointing towards the entrance (so it doesn't get missed) and directional signage inside directing people back out again when they've finished taking part in the exhibition.

This company also made sure that all products were on display so customers could easily touch/see them - this is important if you're selling clothing or other items where people want to see what they'll look like before buying!

6.   Promote yourself on social media

By posting pictures from the event with hashtags that will reach an audience similar to yours and engaging with people on social media is a great way to get exhibition attendees in the door. You can find here best social media banner maker.

This exhibition can create a booklet for visitors which features all of their products, as well as contact information so that potential customers can easily find out more about them and what they do.


If you're not sure how many are coming or if there will be enough space, consider reserving an area outside your exhibition hall too (as shown above) so that when guests arrive they have somewhere to sit while waiting. This also helps prevent overcrowding inside and therefore accidents taking place.


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