Become A Successful Graphic Designer: 10 Best Tips For Designing Brochures

1. Use Color

Colors are obviously expensive, but the results will make your investment worthwhile. The average e-mail recipient will only review your booklet for seven seconds before deciding to save or discard it. The color brochure will have a stronger impact in these seven seconds.

2. Use Your Wisdom

Usually, people pay attention to the picture first, then the title and copy at the end. Therefore, you need to highlight your important information and important points of sale with an image and a direct title.

3. Use Images

Too much text will make your brochure boring and a good selection of images and graphics will make it look better. Use other graphic elements such as titles and bold to focus on important elements.

4. Use Less

To get your readers' attention in these seven critical seconds, the basic rule is "less is more". Use up to three fonts, e.g. Century Expanded, Palatino, Century Schoolbook, and Georgia. Or, you can choose a family type like Arial and use different versions for labels, titles, and a body text like Arial, Arial Rounded MT Bold, Arial Black, and Arial Narrow.

5. Use Space Carefully

Use bullets to break the text and make short paragraphs. Adequate line spacing makes the design the best cake brochure readable and attracts attention. Avoid grouping elements on the page or bringing text closer.

6. Use Fonts One By One

Use fonts and sizes one at a time for different elements, e.g. Size 14 for the title, 12 for the body of the text, and 10 for the text. Filling smaller rooms with big titles has only a small impact.

7. Use Space

If you want to send brochures, use the panel area wisely and provide important contact information such as return addresses, company logos, and websites and company mission.

8. Settings

All your efforts are meaningless if the cake brochure design has poor production, spelling errors, incorrect information, or design errors. Perform an independent professional scan of the final version for design or spelling errors. Ask for honest feedback, especially how well the content involves them. Be sure to check the time, date, and location if your brochure is for an event. If you can't afford a professional correction, do it on your team.

9. Never Use Folds

Poorly designed brochures usually contain photos or text that is folded in a folded way. Regardless of the type of convolution you use, don't put your message there. Before sending your final design to the printer, flip it down to check its layout.

10. Use A Professional Printing Service

You can print the latest cake brochure design on glossy paper with your office printer, but use special services to achieve clearer and more professional effects. If your budget is limited, print from an expert and fold, label, and port yourself to save costs.

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